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Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 23 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 5:38

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 22:03
Looking at Rodchenko's photographs as a teenager ruined me, I must admit.

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 17:50

"Just someone on a bus. Amazing what one sees on a normal ride home from work."

This is the spirit of the street ...... capture the everyday life ..... that always gives us something.

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 15:56

You are not straight!!!
begin to like your innìmmagini sideways I like your unconventional style.

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 14:48

Just someone on a bus. Amazing what one sees on a normal ride home from work.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2014 a/at 5:31

Cheryl and 'your friend? or your lover? good

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