Last fall I bought these seeds in the hardware store for half price because they were for the 2014 growing season. I planted them in an outdoor pot and when they hadn't germinated after a week I read the package and saw they were supposed to germinate in the dark, so I put the pot in my garage.

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Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2016 a/at 20:19

Commento da/Comment by Loren Hamlin su/on 22 Febbraio/February 2016 a/at 19:47
I took the pot out of the garage after they germinated. I've had to take them in the house on cold nights though

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 21 Febbraio/February 2016 a/at 19:37

very interesting. These violets grow in a garage. very surprising. for this reason they are black. congratulations for the explanation and for the fantastic shooting

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