Morning in Manhattan.

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Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 5:55

That is very brilliant light. I am shooting more not so harshly, and hopefully they will be more successful. 

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 5:53

I take chances on these compositions, and always need another pair of eyes to tell me later what works and what doesn't. Thank you both.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 25 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 14:35

i agree Silvio ; I think too much flare

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 25 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:23

troppo sparata la luce

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