L Train, NYC

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Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 15 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 12:10

bella street

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 15 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 10:46

Really nice atmosphere Metro NYC. I am pleased that you get on well with the colors here, in fact there are beautiful shades that make the environment less cold and aloof even if the people are engaged in different activities ......

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 15 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 7:16

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 15 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 7:16

Everyone got off at Union Square  We were pulling out of the station when I shot this. I will eventually post a photo when it is completely packed.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 15 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 6:56

not 'so' full. Milan and 'worse. excellent road

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