Digital Photographers Philippines invites all street photographers here in the Philippines to participate in what they call Shutter Games Street Photography Contest. This image was my team's entry (Jun Jacob was my team mate) and this was one of the many images in the category "contrast between the Old and the New, though we got high score but unfortunately we didn't make it because of all we know as a dedicated Streettogs we really shoot unstaged photos, but the winner was a scripted one, we even saw those guys shooting with their softboxes directing their subjects. Anyway we enjoyed the photowalk met new friends personally who were our virtual FB friends. Its really a great day wherein we enjoy the lunch buffet.

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Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 13:23

street spettacolare complimenti

Commento da/Comment by Giovanni Tisocco su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 13:17

show .. great idea and realization

Commento da/Comment by luca faranfa su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 13:02

bellissima idea !!!!!!!!!

Commento da/Comment by Francesca Loiacono su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 11:59

great shot!

Commento da/Comment by Alfredo De Vivo su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 11:43

la trovo meravigliosa complimenti

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 10 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 11:39

this click and 'fantastic: I think that would make excellent figure hanging on a wall of a museum of contemporary art

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