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Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 20 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 6:37
Thanks a lot

Commento da/Comment by Loren Hamlin su/on 19 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 22:39

Thank you Emilio 

Commento da/Comment by Loren Hamlin su/on 19 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 22:39

Grazie mille Maria

Commento da/Comment by Loren Hamlin su/on 19 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 22:37

Thank you Robert.  Then make tequilla from another plant although the fruit from this cactus has been routinely eaten in the past.  Since these cacti often grow to a height of 10 meters or more the fruit is difficult to harvest but birds love them.

Commento da/Comment by Emilio Sanvito su/on 18 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 8:59

These beautiful cactus, excellent photo! Congratulations!

Commento da/Comment by Maria Grazia Galli su/on 18 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 7:32


Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 17 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 21:20

very charming plant. I saw a documentary on the bloom, fantastic , I do not think they get the tequila. very nice photo . the choice of cut is very appropriate , compliments

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