Both Hindu boys and girls undergo a ritual at about four years old in which they have their heads shaved. Hair is seen as an adornment so by shaving the head, the child confronts his or her bare ego. It teaches humblenessand devotion. Children with shaved heads are seen as innocent and holy and are treated with great respect. "
Shaving the head can also be seen as an act of humility for adults. For example, at the Kumbha Mela the first ritual observed by most pilgrims is the mundana ceremony, the shaving of the head. Hair is considered the symbol of vanity, and in order to receive the full benefits of a pilgrimage to a holy place, one must first give up vanity. Thus, the pilgrims believe that the hair should be shaven from the head in a gesture of surrender and humility.
Hindu men have their heads shaven only when somebody elderly dies in the house and women were shaven_headed only when they are widows and not otherwise.

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Album:/Albums: INDIA
Luogo:/Location: India


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Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 19 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 19:43

Ritratto d'effetto, inquietante il rituale della rasatura, ma le tradizioni religiose non si contestano (da noi occidentali)  se non ci sono imposte.  

Commento da/Comment by Ornella Locatelli su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 21:15


ritrato eccezionale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commento da/Comment by Giovanni Tisocco su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 17:54

Stupenda ..e grazie della tua spiegazione 

Commento da/Comment by stevanin elio su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 13:38

Fa impressione questa bimba, è bellissima il look però....certamente usanze di quei posti, ritratto fatto a regola d'arte

Commento da/Comment by Maxfear su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 11:16

il reportage è tutto in inglese, in italia non fregava nulla a nessuno che 30milioni di persone fossero sul gange e yamuna a purificarsi, quindi gli IPTC son stati fatti tutti in inglese :D

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 10:13

Molto bella complimenti

Commento da/Comment by Luca Fecarotta su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 4:59

un altro ritratto bellissimo! forse un pelino di io la vedo benissimo anche così

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 18 Ottobre/October 2013 a/at 3:34

buona , mi piace , io per mio gusto , darei un pelino di contrasto ; perche' e' scritto tutto in inglese ?

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