Chelsea, NYC

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Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 27 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 3:08

Silvio: I agree, it isn't defined. One of the techniques I use it shooting inside/out through windows with this particular camera. It has an effect on the sensor, slightly changing the texture. The intention is to give the photo a dream-like, slightly impressionist quality and emphasize the body movement and expressions. The intention of the composition is to give a noir feeling, like a movie poster, or a paperback novel--an illustration because what I saw in the photo is the woman has a tense expression, and she is "followed" by a man with a cigarette.

However, you are correct and I appreciate your criticism very much--I never learn from successes, only from mistakes, and your comment is valuable to have me look more carefully at the image and study the flaws. Technically, even by my standards it is a miss, but I took a chance in sharing this to show what is possible. I will have an opportunity to do this again, and better. 

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 18:12

Manca di definizione

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 16:13

Life beyond the window (glass). Nice idea and very good execution.

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 14:01

Thank you! 

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 26 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:55

high street. fantastic achievement

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