The Superstition Mountains near Gold Canyon, Arizona, USA

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Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 7 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 21:17

thanks a lot 

Commento da/Comment by Loren Hamlin su/on 7 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 21:00

There are scores of legends about these dating back to the ancient Apache legends of the existence of a gateway to the netherworld, fabulously rich gold mines, massacres, and treachery.  People still go missing frequently in these mountains which is why I stay away from the cliffs and make sure to bring plenty of water when I hike in them.  The Superstitions maintain their haunting beauty even in the parched summer months.

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 3 Maggio/May 2016 a/at 21:47

i like this place , i remember many western films , may be too much , now only Tarantino fantastic

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