The Buddha Dhatu Jadi (Bengali; also known as the Bandarban Golden Temple) is located close to Balaghata town, in Bandarban City, in Bangladesh. Dhatu are the material remains of a holy person, and in this temple the relics belong to Buddha. It is the largest Theravada Buddhist temple in Bangladesh and has the second-largest Buddha statue in the country.

The Bandaban Golden Temple belongs to the Theravada Buddhism order, which is practiced by the Marma indigenous people, a dominant ethnic group of Bandarban. It was built in 2000 in Arakanese architecture, an adoption of South East Asia style.

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Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 5 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 20:39

fantastic , i think is gold temple ,similar to Yangoon pagoda 

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