Just like the Velvet Underground song.

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Commento da/Comment by sandro Mercatali su/on 13 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 16:57


Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 13 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:40

I agree, Stefano. Added too much chaos, which is why I focused on the tattoo woman's expression and filled the left side with her. But, I have to get the shot, and it is slightly outside of my comfort zone. I feel the need to take more chances with my compositions because one must.

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 18:46

bella street

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 18:21

Three women metropolitan different between them but for a time collected in a narrow space. Nice shooting point and bn. The only drawback, in my opinion, those people behind after the woman in the foreground.

Commento da/Comment by Raimondo Giorgio su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 15:34

Great Street

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:58

You're welcome!

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:48

thank a lot

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:41

I do not post enough, but a number of my photos use human subjects in a descending/ascending composition. The perspective of the street, particularly in an urban environment as large and dynamic as New York offers an opportunity to take photos in a skewed perspective. As I discovered while out with my camera, people provide collectively a geometry that fits in with the architecture of the city. Rodchenko picked up on that in some of his work, though I try to be more subtle in my approach. I also cite William Klein. Everything from the New York shots in the 60s to that shot of the Le Pen rally in 1980 used this approach. Skewed faces and perspective, but graceful diagonal lines, which I hope I did well on this photo.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:37

it's true

Commento da/Comment by Mike Lee su/on 12 Settembre/September 2013 a/at 13:34

Thank you.I wanted to take something that was "off" when I saw the composition unfold in front of me. It was an instinctive moment where I thought I could focus in on her eyes without a close up and force the viewer to go from left to right, but do it in a way that is not a "straight" shot. The moment are her eyes, the story is a variety of New York women putting on a tough face in the morning. Got lucky, I suppose.

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