this is purposely out of focus, sometimes I do that,...hope you guys not going to crucified me,..:))

it is my daughter Nicole on walking expedition,...

Visualizzazioni: 23/Views: 23


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Commento da/Comment by Digital Imaging by Rudy su/on 7 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 14:35

Thank You Silvio,...


Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 7 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 14:24

mi piace il titolo e' perfetto, pero' e' poco curata la composizione, linee storte e nemmeno un pixel a fuoco ma magari era tua intenzione mostrarla cosi'!!!!

Commento da/Comment by Digital Imaging by Rudy su/on 6 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 22:03

Thank you,.....Roby,...

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 6 Luglio/July 2013 a/at 22:01

I would put in some cross our political, indeed all, but never for a photo intentionally blurred; indeed 'beautiful because of this

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